Monday, June 18, 2012

Kickin' It.

Lately my life has been filled with the gym, trying to organize my house, planting and tending to my garden, and attempting to sneak in some quality time with Rarj.

I don't have pictures and I don't want to hear any belly-aching from you people, this girl has been too busy, too tired, or too dirty to attempt to remember a camera.

Moving on.

This week RJ and I have planned to do something I've been wanting to do for a while, but we never actually get around to.

Make a for real, written down and documented, all out, crazy encouraged, bucket list.

I assume that it will take place over wine on the patio following our nightly grilled dinners.

So let's get to it, what is one thing you have ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS wanted to do before you kick it?