Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Struggling with the everyday.

Today is a Wednesday, yesterday was Tuesday and tomorrow is Thursday.  Another week.  Another day.

Lately I have been struggling with the everyday.  The feeling of boredom and slight discontent that settles in as we all start to settle into normalcy.  The longing for the days when May signified summer and all of the glory that came with it.  The late nights that turned to early morning without so much as a thought to sleep.  Entire days spent laying in the sun by the pool.  The promise of excitement and vacations with friends. More than just another day.  More than working, making dinner, and sleep; just to start all over again in 7-8hrs.

In the real world life isn't exciting all the time, there are not fun plans for every weekend, nothing to wait anxiously for. And sometimes I get sad for no real reason other than the fact that I grew up and somehow didn't notice.

I don't discount that my life is wonderful and that to some people what I have is what they hope for, but I am and will always be a person of short attention.  I like to be doing, planning, working, going all of the time.  I'm not content with the familiar and I will never be someone who can just 'be'. 

Right now I am living in the in between.  I'm not a college kid who can get away with working a frivolous summer job, but I'm not a full fledged adult who is acclimated to life without summer vacation.  I don't want to party Thursday-Sunday and be drunk 5 out of 7 nights of the week, but I also tire easily of sitting at home all of the time.

Why at 26 am I feeling this way? Is this just summer blues mixed with nostalgia?  AM I crazy? Whatever the answer ends up being, maybe it will pass or maybe I'll be cured, I'll live everyday with gratefulness and thank God for the life I consider boring.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Full Circle

So, I'll spare you my whining and bellyaching about moving for today.
Instead I thought I could update you on the parts of my life that don't include boxes and packing tape and bruises...

A month or so ago I was approached about an advisor position with the ADPi chapter here in Memphis.  I have been active in the alum association since moving here last May and had worked with the chapter in that capacity, but did not even realize that an advisor position was opening up.  It was the recruitment advisor position, quite possibly the most time consuming and stressful on the advisory board, but I have this problem and I can't really say no, not that I ever would have.  I LOVE recruitment and I LOVE ADPi and I have been waiting for an opportunity to really get involved and connected here in Memphis.

Obviously I accepted the position and started transitioning into the office last night.  I am so excited to meet the women and start learning about them as individuals and as a chapter.  I know that it is going to be hard work, but I can't wait to dive in and share all of the amazing ideas and memories from my sweet Beta Beta.

I hope that my sisters, ahem ahem, will send ideas and helpful hints my way.

During recruitment week we may have not slept a wink, worked ourselves to the bone, and been stressed to the max, but it also gave me memories I will treasure forever.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Who hates moving? I hate moving.

Quick recap.

I have been packing for weeks.  We moved a big chunk of boxes Wednesday.

I also moved ALL of my clothes Wednesday, without thinking I needed something to wear to work yesterday. Thank goodness I have a messy car and just happened to have a dress still on the hanger from Chattanooga.

The movers come this afternoon for the big stuff. 

Oh yeah, and we stayed up until 3:00am last night getting the last "few" things done. Few? My behind.  Please refer to my previous post and multiply times a bazillion. 

My eyes are pretty much swollen shut today from the dust and dog hair that was hiding behind and under everything I own. 

I had to be at work at 6:30 this morning to get stuff done before I leave early.

I have to be up at 7:30 tomorrow morning for graduation.

RJ got ridiculously fabulous grades for his last semester! He will walk across the stage tomorrow with honors, one step closer to his dreams (Ph.D, curing cancer, you know the normal stuff) and I am so proud and so in love.

I HATE moving.

But I love all of you and my life, even when it is filled with all of the above.