Monday, August 27, 2012

Book Envy

So a few weekends ago I found RJ a vintage set of the Lord of the Rings books at an antique store.  It was super cool with a fancy box and gilded spines, and I am a nice person, so I bought it.

But, now we have a dilemma...he is reading in bed at night and I am jealous.  I normally have a book or two on my nightstand and currently I have none. Poor, poor, pitiful me. While he relaxes at night propped up against the headboard engrossed in his book, I am relegated to playing with the pups, annoying him while he attempts to concentrate, or willing myself to sleep with his lamp on. Not fair, I tell you, not fair.

I always keep a list of books people have recommended, reviews I've read in magazines, etc, etc, but I have not gotten around to buying any books and I CANNOT get the hang of reading on the iPad.  Therefore, my mission this week is to stock up on new books to keep on the bookshelf in the office so that I will never be bookless again.

On this topic, I came across a list of 10 Books every girl should read in her twenties.  I've read a few, but the others will make it onto the list for this week.

What do you think?  Any suggestions?

Friday, August 3, 2012

A wish. A prayer.

I was browsing the internet and came across the following.

I watched. My heart swelled and tears ran down my cheeks (I'm at work, btw).

Dear God,

Please don't worry about riches, don't worry about beauty, don't worry about anything else in life. Just give me the ability to love and be loved.



Please watch. allow your hearts to swell and don't stop the tears that may run down your cheeks.

And then: change your expectations, change your wishes, and change your prayers for what it is you want to be, have and do while on this earth.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I am alive, and in fact not dead in a ditch.

It is already August! Where is time going?  I feel like it was just last week that it became socially appropriate to wear my sundresses and sandals (and I say socially, because we all know I would wear them year round if I made the rules).

Life has been crazy lately. I have done lots of things, taken lots of pictures and had a pretty amazing summer so far.

That being said, I have not had the energy or time to update all of you who are chomping at the bit to hear about my life. It's super exciting, I know.

I promise I will try my very very best to post some pictures and the fun stories that go along with them soon.

Until then, you can all just let your imaginations run wild with what I have been doing here in the land of the sweltering heat.