Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sometimes you just need to be drunk and ridiculous

Alright people.  I don't know if it's boredom, the events of the past week weighing on me, or just plain nostalgia, but I need to escape.  My chosen escape, you ask? Junior year of college.  Quite possibly the most amazingly stupid and ridiculous time of my life.

Best times. Best friends. No worries. Lots of fun. Lots of rum. Possible arrests. Memories that deserved to be relived and redone.

Before life gets really real and someone has a baby. 

But hopefully not in a bar.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Work out Wednesday

I have successfully completed two, count them, two boot camp classes and I hurt. We are talking serious pain in muscles that have not been used in a long time.

That being said, I really, really enjoyed my classes.  Monday was a bit tough at some points, but by yesterday I had learned to accept the pain and push through.  The real turning point came when last night's workout was over, I was actually sad. Weird.

If you would like to get a sample of what we have been doing, feel free to watch HERE .


As of Sunday morning I was down 3.2 lbs just from a week of diet changes that included very limited carbs and sugar and 6 small meals per day. By adding in workouts this week, I am hoping to see even greater improvement!

My true struggles have come at the hand of my good ole' buddy boredom.  During the week, RJ works at least 4 out of 7 nights until close to 10, leaving me at home from around 5 (now 8 with bootcamp) until 10:15 or so when he walks in the door.  During this time I have to fight to keep myself busy or else I find myself snacking for no good reason.  I'm not saying I'm eating potato chips straight out of the bag or anything, but even too much healthy food is too much food. Therefore, I have devised a strategy to keep my hands busy.  Whenever I go into the kitchen and catch myself looking for food, instead of food I get a big glass of ice water and leave.  Not only am I filling my stomach, I am also training myself to resist my urges to eat.


This week's biggest success thus far is the Healthy Chicken Parmesan.

It was easy, healthy, and delicious!  Just a few common sense swaps, some inventive choices and you can have something that is just as comforting as the original.

We used boneless, skinless, chicken breasts coated in a mixture of Parmesan cheese, Panko, and garlic. Then we sprayed the outside with Pam and baked at 425 for 25 minutes. Delicious, crispy, yet healthy, chicken. For those of you who are not aware, tomatoes have very high sugar content, prepared tomato products (Ketchup, marinara, jarred pasta sauce, etc) even worse. So to mimic the topping without the fat, we used a chopped tomato, basil, bruschetta.  Turns out it tasted even better and much fresher than the normal saucy coating.


5 roma tomatoes, seeded and diced
1/2 sweet onion diced
1-2 cloves garlic chopped very finely
Lots of fresh basil leaves rolled together and sliced to create skinny strings (chiffonade)
A splash or 2 of extra virgin olive oil
Salt and black pepper to taste.

Mix it all together and let sit in the fridge for at least an hour. Then top anything you care. Crusty whole wheat baguette, chicken, fish, even use as a sauce on whole wheat pasta.

And now for a little confession.  Today at work we had a pizza party. I ate a piece. Not the healthiest lunch, considering I brought a salad from home, but a little cheat every now and then won't kill me.  I only had 1 piece and I made sure to pick veggie, by not restricting my diet every single day I figure I can turn this into a true lifestyle. That includes the occasional bad for me food.

Any tips/tricks you have to keep yourself motivated and on the right track?  Feel free to chime in.


Monday, January 9, 2012

I might be crazy, but here goes nothing

I have never been a "skinny" girl.  Let me rephrase, I do not remember ever being a skinny girl.  From the time I was born until I was 5 I was apparently pretty scrawny and classified as underweight, but back then there was not a body issue in sight and therefore, I didn't notice.

What I did notice was being overweight pretty much my entire childhood, adolescence, and early teen years.  It just seemed that the weight kept creeping on and no matter how many fad diets I tried, it never seemed to budge.  I cannot explain how many times people made, what they thought were helpful, comments about my weight, my looks, how I could lose it, etc, etc, etc.  Even more, what I can't explain is that until someone makes a decision to do something for themselves, no amount of audience participation, bribes, threats, or guilt is going to work.

For me, I made that choice the spring of my junior year of high school.  I made the resolution that no matter what it took I was NOT going to start college as the fat girl. Over the next year an half I lost almost 100lbs.  I felt proud of myself and I have managed to keep it off (save the same 10lbs that I tend to gain and lose a million times).  The kicker, I'm still not skinny. After losing all of that weight I am still 30 lbs away from my true goal.  I became complacent in my journey and settled for good enough.  When I hit that plateau, instead of pushing through, I decided maintaining was easier.

Fast forward 8 years and I am ready to get back in the trenches.  Ready to slim down and tone up what I left behind.  The first time around I focussed pretty solely on diet with a little exercise thrown in for good measure, this time I know that to get where I want I am going to have to sweat. 

So, I signed up and am starting boot camp classes this afternoon.  This is my public admission and cry for help to keep me accountable and motivated. 

I plan to share my progress, healthy meal ideas, tips, tricks and all else attributed to a changing lifestyle every week( you can keep me accountable for this too).

So, here goes nothing! Hopefully I can still walk tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New year: Not new, but better me!

I know that currently the whole world is updating their blogs with all their amazing plans for themselves and their lives in the upcoming year, so sorry to be another of the same.

2011 was a year of extreme changes in my life.  I left what I had always known in Chattanooga for the extreme unknown in Memphis.  So far it has been an amazing experience that has pushed me and forced me to grow in my professional and personal life.  I can no longer hide behind the familiar and safe, I have had to challenge myself to try new things, let go of old habits, and re-evaluate the plan that I thought I wanted for myself. 

This year I have set some lofty goals for myself to continue my transformation from complacent little girl into a content women with purpose.

1.  Make friends in Memphis.  This is difficult because, as I have discussed with a few of you, I feel like no one I meet will ever live up to the amazing friends I already have so why bother... However, I miss having someone to do things with.  A female presence in my daily life, not just by phone, text, or now facetime.

2. Live healthy.  Since moving here I have realized I have become sedentary.  I work, sleep, spend time with RJ.  I hardly ever go outside and my energy level is zilch.  My plan is to eat whole, real foods and exercise at least 4 days a week.  RJ is doing this with me and we have set goals and plan to keep each other accountable.  I am not particularly trying to be one of those new year's dieters, I just want to treat my body right and hopefully accept a new lifestyle.

3. Fall back in love with books.  I used to love to read and would usually have a book or two on my bedside table, but when I am working all day the TV is much less maintenance. I got a bunch of new books for Christmas and instead of watching TV together in the evenings RJ and I have been relaxing and reading together.

4. Notice the little things.  All too often I find myself finding fault in everything that is going wrong in my life.  A pointless argument, a missed opportunity, a day that didn't go as planned, an accident that no one could have avoided.  I let it ruin my day and my mood.  Instead what I strive to do this year is make a point to notice the little things.  The fact that RJ made the bed so I wouldn't have to (not the fact the pillows weren't right), the little accomplishments at work (even if I didn't get my whole to-do list crossed off), my sweet puppies' kisses (not the mess they made with their toys), etc, etc.

5. Possibly the hardest thing for me, but what I feel may bring the most change in my life.  I want to stop comparing. Stop comparing myself, my life, my boyfriend, my home, everything.  I know that it is instinctual to compare yourself either as a benchmark of success or as a means to feel superior.  Either way it is not healthy.  I want to learn to be content and grateful for what I have and not feel jealous or bad about myself for what I perceive I am missing.

So there you have it. Some pretty big goals.  Feel free to offer encouragement and suggestions for success.

Love you and miss you all!