Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New year: Not new, but better me!

I know that currently the whole world is updating their blogs with all their amazing plans for themselves and their lives in the upcoming year, so sorry to be another of the same.

2011 was a year of extreme changes in my life.  I left what I had always known in Chattanooga for the extreme unknown in Memphis.  So far it has been an amazing experience that has pushed me and forced me to grow in my professional and personal life.  I can no longer hide behind the familiar and safe, I have had to challenge myself to try new things, let go of old habits, and re-evaluate the plan that I thought I wanted for myself. 

This year I have set some lofty goals for myself to continue my transformation from complacent little girl into a content women with purpose.

1.  Make friends in Memphis.  This is difficult because, as I have discussed with a few of you, I feel like no one I meet will ever live up to the amazing friends I already have so why bother... However, I miss having someone to do things with.  A female presence in my daily life, not just by phone, text, or now facetime.

2. Live healthy.  Since moving here I have realized I have become sedentary.  I work, sleep, spend time with RJ.  I hardly ever go outside and my energy level is zilch.  My plan is to eat whole, real foods and exercise at least 4 days a week.  RJ is doing this with me and we have set goals and plan to keep each other accountable.  I am not particularly trying to be one of those new year's dieters, I just want to treat my body right and hopefully accept a new lifestyle.

3. Fall back in love with books.  I used to love to read and would usually have a book or two on my bedside table, but when I am working all day the TV is much less maintenance. I got a bunch of new books for Christmas and instead of watching TV together in the evenings RJ and I have been relaxing and reading together.

4. Notice the little things.  All too often I find myself finding fault in everything that is going wrong in my life.  A pointless argument, a missed opportunity, a day that didn't go as planned, an accident that no one could have avoided.  I let it ruin my day and my mood.  Instead what I strive to do this year is make a point to notice the little things.  The fact that RJ made the bed so I wouldn't have to (not the fact the pillows weren't right), the little accomplishments at work (even if I didn't get my whole to-do list crossed off), my sweet puppies' kisses (not the mess they made with their toys), etc, etc.

5. Possibly the hardest thing for me, but what I feel may bring the most change in my life.  I want to stop comparing. Stop comparing myself, my life, my boyfriend, my home, everything.  I know that it is instinctual to compare yourself either as a benchmark of success or as a means to feel superior.  Either way it is not healthy.  I want to learn to be content and grateful for what I have and not feel jealous or bad about myself for what I perceive I am missing.

So there you have it. Some pretty big goals.  Feel free to offer encouragement and suggestions for success.

Love you and miss you all!

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