Friday, August 26, 2011

Making this little house a home (and city for that matter)

So, for those of you who have been keeping up, although it is scary and crazy to admit, I have been in Memphis for 3 WHOLE MONTHS!

Where has the time gone? It doesn't seem like it could have possibly been almost 100 days since I left my sweet Chattanooga...  I would love to report that I am completely settled in, know my way around everywhere and could not love this city more, but that would be a lie.

The truth of the matter is:

1. My house IS coming together, but slowly.  This girl is t-i-r-e-d when she gets home from work, and although I have a million ideas and things on my to-do list, finding the energy is a little more difficult. Not to mention, my ever-loving and patient boyfriend has been working like a mad man and goes back to school on Monday (this does not bode well for my list of things I can't do because I can't use tools).  However, we are picking out our new couch this weekend and have narrowed down the paint colors to a few finalists.  That's progress right, at least theoretically since none of it has actually happened.

2. I have no idea where I am or how to get anywhere I want to go with a few exceptions. I can get to work, Kroger, and now TJ Maxx and Fresh Market.  Maybe not the whole city, but I'm making some progress and for other stuff that is why God created the GPS. Let's be honest, it isn't like a I fully knew my way around Chatt and I lived there for 24 years. My goal is to knock down the amount I call RJ crying because I am lost to once a week, and I'm getting close!

3. In having conversations with other Memphis transplants I have come to the realization that you don't really LOVE this city, it grows on you over time. I am enjoying the company of the people I work with but I am still struggling for some outside socialization.  This past weekend fate stepped in and I bumped into Cat, a friend from college, out of the blue.  Being one of the nicest people in the world she followed up that night and invited me to church with her the next day.  I forced myself to step out of my comfort zone, I went and it was actually pretty amazing.  The service was different than what I was used to, but I really enjoyed it.  The people were all  in my age group and so nice and welcoming that I believe I will drag RJ with me this Sunday to see what he thinks!

So, three months in I feel like a bit of a failure but I am also learning to cut myself a little bit of slack every now and then. I miss my family and friends every day but I know that if I am going to have any shot of real happiness here that I have to actually put forth the effort to make it happen.  As silly as it is, I think that part of me is still holding onto the notion that I can't make friends because I already HAVE friends and I don't want anyone to replace them.  RJ keeps encouraging me to do new things and I guess it is time I took his advice.

Well Girl Scouts, let's hope you're right because my mission is to make new friends, but keep the old...

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