Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Catching the habit

So, if you remember, a couple months ago I started boot camp with the hopes of jump-starting a new and healthier lifestyle...

Here's the update:

I completed my initial 8-weeks of boot camp and bought another 8.  I am currently on week 4 and have not missed a single class in 12 weeks.

I LOVE EXERCISE. It's a problem really. I never in my whole life thought that I would become someone who enjoyed working out, and yet, here I am.

About a month or so ago St. Jude opened its brand new fitness center on campus to my shock, I am there a minimum of 4 times a week, in addition to my boot camp classes. I have come to accept the slight soreness in my muscles as normal. Who am I? Seriously?

Here's the real kicker. Last week my work, workout buddy Amber was on a business trip Wednesday-Friday and I slacked.  I did not work out at all on Thursday or Friday (unless shopping is considered exercise) and man did I feel it.  My energy level pretty much bottomed out, I didn't sleep as well as I have been, and I was a bit more snappy and irritable.  It also could have been PMS, but whatever, that's beside the point. My body and I missed my workouts.

Once Monday rolled around and I was back in my routine, it hurt a little more during and after, but I also felt a million, bazillion times better. I like to push myself. I like to get out the day's frustration. I cannot wait to go to class, and no matter how tired and winded I get, I am sad when it's over.

Moral of the story, it's not impossible to find a workout you love.  It took 25 years, a good chunk of which were spent overweight, to find something to motivate me, but I did it. The boot camp that I started in January changed my entire perspective in regards to exercise and I can honestly say that I think that the physical changes that exercise has made has rubbed off into other areas of my life.

More on that tomorrow.

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